Baby Miklovic

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Our Trip to Lakeside

In Mid-June Jay, Joseph and I went to Lakeside for Annual Conference. We stayed for about a week, and it was a lot of fun being with our church family. We decided to take a couple pictures of me on the pier to show how much Joseph is growing. At this point, I was about 31 weeks along. We'll see what the rest of the summer does to me!


Blogger The Fritch Family said...

These are very cool pictures! We miss you guys so much! I cannot wait to see you (and Joey) tomorrow! Can you believe you only have less than 2 months left?? I am so excited (seriously)!
Love ya!

28 June, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

Hey! It was so much fun seeing you guys this weekend (hopefully, next time you can see Corbin a little too)! We love you all!

02 July, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

Hey guys! Cory says "put some more pictures on your page"! Of couse, I agree but he's the one who said it! LOL! Love you guys and can't wait to meet Joey!

25 July, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

We're getting excited! Not too much longer before we get to meet little Joe!

08 August, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey!

09 August, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant wait to see more pictures of him!! Congratulations!

21 August, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

So...when are we going to see some pictures of your adorable baby boy?! I've been checking everyday! We love all 3 of you!

21 August, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

Not to bug you or anything, but... WHERE ARE THE PICTURES OF MY LITTLE BUDDY JOSEPH???? :)

28 August, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

Tsk, Tsk! Still no pictures of Joey! You probably aren't even checking this, are you? I think I shall have to call you to tell you to post pictures! :)

30 August, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

Here's the deal, Kristin... I will come over and hold Joey so that you can go upstairs and post some pictures on this site! LOL! But seriously, I will! We love you guys and are looking forward to Wednesday (did we pick a park or a time?)

11 September, 2007  
Blogger SM said...

ok... so we admitted it to each other at Corbin's birthday party that we checked each other's websites... so I keep checkin to see some pics of your little guy... and what do I see? new pictures... I think Eva needs to yell at you a little more:)

14 October, 2007  

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