Baby Miklovic

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Over at Joel and Meredith's House

A group of us hung out over at Joel and Meredith's house last night and played games, etc. The night ended with the two daddies-to-be practicing reading children's books to each other. It was pretty cute :) Jay reading to us
Look at that enthusiasm as he practices showing us the pictures!

Sharing his story with Lori and Derek

Lori and Derek listening ever so intently :)

Now it's Joel's turn...

Joel reading to Jay, how cute :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK! That is too funny, yo. Jay's not excited is he? haha

... I am :)

-- Uncle Chris!

01 April, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

I love these pics! Corbin loves reading and I am sure that Joseph will too! They will probably be reading together in a few years (won't that be fun!) Congrats on getting the name decided on, too! :) All the ultrasound pics are really cool, you got a ton of them. What fun!
We love you guys (all 3 of you)!

03 April, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read Jay, Read! Sounds like a elementary primer. You have lots of fun days ahead. I'm so happy for all 3 of you.
Aunt Marlene

08 April, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

I agree that it will be so fun to see Corbin & Joseph (will it be Joey?) playing together! How have you been doing? I can't wait to see how big you're getting!

12 April, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

Thanks for the congrats! How is everything for you? Is little Joey doing well? We love you guys and can't wait to meet him!

02 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[yawn] isn't it about time to update this?

~ Uncle Chris

02 May, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

I must agree with Chris. How about some prego belly pics?! :)

04 May, 2007  

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