Baby Miklovic

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Over at Joel and Meredith's House

A group of us hung out over at Joel and Meredith's house last night and played games, etc. The night ended with the two daddies-to-be practicing reading children's books to each other. It was pretty cute :) Jay reading to us
Look at that enthusiasm as he practices showing us the pictures!

Sharing his story with Lori and Derek

Lori and Derek listening ever so intently :)

Now it's Joel's turn...

Joel reading to Jay, how cute :)

Our 20 Week Ultrasound...It's a boy!! Yes, daddy was right!

We went this past Thursday (March 29th) to our 20 Week Ultrasound!
We'd like to introduce to you our little boy...
Joseph Wesley Miklovic!
I'm keeping the revealing pictures to myself, however we are 100% certain that this little one is a boy! He cooperated, and we were able to find out, however after that he was on the move. He stood on his head for us, flipped onto his belly, flipped back onto his back and brought his leg over his head, etc. He is one active little guy!
During the ultrasound, Joseph starting looking for his mouth so he could suck his thumb
Here is a picture of him with his hand almost to his mouth, however it visited his nose first...he really is daddy's little boy :)

In this picture you can see his mouth open and his finger inside.

It was really cute to watch him suck his thumb once he found where to put it.

Here is the profile of Joseph's face. You can see the shape of his head and chin along with his nose and lips

The ultrasound tech was trying to do 3-D pictures, but our little guy was moving around so much that they were all smearing and looking stretched out. This is a picture of his face with his arm/hand in front. The picture is stretched out, but I like it because you can see the 3-D image of his arm and hand in front of his face.

Friday, March 16, 2007

??A Little Girl or a Little Boy??

Flowers from my mommy (grandma)... Hmm, is the baby a little boy or a little girl? We get to find out at our 20 week ultrasound in a couple of weeks! Jay thinks the baby is a boy of course and I'm thinking a girl ... We'll see who was right soon ;o)

March 13th...Meredith and I at Toozers with "Roots"-our young adult Bible study group. We are laughing at Jay who wanted us to put our bellies together for the picture. We told him we needed to wait a little longer for that :o)

Jay and I are blessed to have friends like Joel and Meredith to share with during this awesome time girls stick together and the guys deal with our moods and cravings together too!

March 13th continued-(I'm about 18 weeks)... It's becoming a lot more obvious than before that I'm pregnant :o)

February...A little belly starting :o)

My pregnancy buddy, Meredith---she is due about three weeks before me. It's been fun going through pregnancy with a close friend and sharing stories/ experiences with each other :o)

Early January...
Hmm, no belly yet. Oh just wait! :o)

Well, I guess by the number of pregnancy tests you see here...I just couldn't believe that I was pregnant! Jay just smiled nervously as he wondered how many boxes I'd be going through before I actually believed the results :o)