Baby Miklovic

Monday, March 24, 2008

At our next stop...

After Grandma and Papa's house, we headed over to Great Aunt Susie's house for some more fun...
Joey and his bunny ears

Joey makes a cute little bunny with chubby cheeks
What is on my head?
Not so sure about this...
I feel something up there...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Michigan wolverine Easter bunny. Now I do question the
Easter bunny's existence.
Joey is so cute! I love him and hope to see you all soon.
Love, Aunt Marlene

27 March, 2008  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

I love the ears! And his facial expressions!

30 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Henrieta and I live in Pittsburgh PA. My parents were born and grow up in the city Hlohovec in Slovakia. I wonder if we might be relatives?
My e-mail address is
It would be nice to hear from you

06 October, 2010  

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