Baby Miklovic

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Prayer of Wonder

All-loving God,
I am filled with wonder when I consider the power of your Spirit. You create the billions of galaxies with trillions of stars. You formed the earth into a garden that nourishes the plentiful species of life. You loved me into existence and cared for me as I grew into womanhood. It was you who prepared my body, mind, and soul for the miracle of conception.
You are present, knitting together all the delicate parts of the new life I carry within me. My body intuits your artistry as you sculpt tiny cells into hands, feet, inner organs, brain, and heart. You have made my body, mind, and spirit into a sacred vessel that even now is creating an awesome masterpiece-a unique expression of your goodness, beauty, and truth. Together we share this thrilling experience that you initiate, nurture, and bring to fullness. How I marvel at this precious gift of your love!
Help me, Lord, to enter the mystery unfolding deep within my womb. Allow me to accept this gift with wonder and excitement. Permit me to relish the life I carry as it grows and changes me. I freely give you my body, mind, and spirit as my unique gift to our child.
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139: 13-14)


Blogger The Fritch Family said...

Wow, Kristin! That was so amazing and so touching. We are so excited for you and Jay! Mostly we are excited that you are pregnant, but we are also very excited for this blog!!! Yeah! We love you guys and pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and your little one now and always!
Cory, Eva, and Corbin
oh and I could show you how to do the link thing when we come over next week!

17 February, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

One more thing:
Check out Corbin's site... You have a link!!!

17 February, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! I was looking at your brother's myspace page and noticed his blog about your pictures. This is so cool that you are able to post these online. We haven't gotten any electronic copies of our ultrasounds yet, hopefully soon! Keep in touch, I hope all is well.

Love, LeighAnn

05 March, 2007  
Blogger The Fritch Family said...

Thanks! I look so forward to seeing all the cute faces your baby is going to make!
love ya!

16 March, 2007  

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