Baby Miklovic

Friday, February 16, 2007

I’m 13 Weeks Old!

We had our second ultrasound at 13 weeks (2/8/07). The doctor let us get one "just for the fun of it;" she's cool :) It's amazing how quickly our "little one" is developing. At this point the baby was 6.35cm or about 3 1/2 inches long. The heart rate was 158 beats per minute.

You can clearly see the face (it almost looks like he/she is smiling!) You can also see both sets of fingers. The baby's hands were moving around a lot during the ultrasound. The doctor said it was almost like he/she was doing dance moves.

After a lot of moving around, the baby got tired out and fell asleep. The doctor tapped my belly and you could see the vibration up on the ultrasound screen. We got to watch as he/she woke back up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cutie, but remember we all need our beauty rest, so quit tapping on my great niece or nephew's head. Love you both, excuse me, all 3 of you!
Aunt Marlene

20 February, 2007  

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