Baby Miklovic

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Just wanted everyone to know that our new blogspot is

I hope to update this and keep up with it :)


Hi Everyone-
I'm not sure if anyone check this blog anymore because it's been almost a year, whew. I was keeping up with photos on facebook for awhile, but now I'm thinking I'm going to create a whole new website (blog space) and start all over again :o) So, I will keep all of you updated on the web address for the new site (once I create it that is!)

Joey is doing great! He's 20 months old...I'm going by months until he's 2, then I'll switch to years :) He's incredibly active but so full of life. He loves people and he loves to talk! Jay and I are busy chasing him around from the time he wakes up to the time he zonks out for his nap and then for bed at night! Parenting is fun and challenging and an awesome blessing all at the same time!

So, I hope to get working on the new sight and go from there.


Thursday, June 19, 2008


Joey learned to crawl last Thursday while we were on our trip to Lakeside!! He had been trying for some time but he just couldn't get himself to go forward. Now he did it and he's getting faster everyday! Joey turned 10 months, two days ago... Hard to believe that we'll be celebrating his first birthday in less than 2 months now. Time flies! I'll be adding some more pictures soon!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Joey's Video

Monday, March 24, 2008

Jumping Ahead...

I jumped ahead in my postings so that I could get Joey's first Easter pictures on the web. I will go back and continue up through the past months, but for now here are some pictures from Joey's first Easter!

More Pictures From Aunt Susie's House

Checking out the bunny ears
Look, now I look like an Indian
Pretty Happy
Excited about his present from Great Aunt Susie!
Look, a ball!

At our next stop...

After Grandma and Papa's house, we headed over to Great Aunt Susie's house for some more fun...
Joey and his bunny ears

Joey makes a cute little bunny with chubby cheeks
What is on my head?
Not so sure about this...
I feel something up there...