Hi Everyone-
I'm not sure if anyone check this blog anymore because it's been almost a year, whew. I was keeping up with photos on facebook for awhile, but now I'm thinking I'm going to create a whole new website (blog space) and start all over again :o) So, I will keep all of you updated on the web address for the new site (once I create it that is!)
Joey is doing great! He's 20 months old...I'm going by months until he's 2, then I'll switch to years :) He's incredibly active but so full of life. He loves people and he loves to talk! Jay and I are busy chasing him around from the time he wakes up to the time he zonks out for his nap and then for bed at night! Parenting is fun and challenging and an awesome blessing all at the same time!
So, I hope to get working on the new sight and go from there.