Baby Miklovic

Monday, February 25, 2008

I really do love my elephant :)

Our Happy Little Man...with BIG cheeks :o)

Our Funny Little Guy

Say What?!?

These Aren't In Order Yet...

I will get these in order soon, but I just wanted to post a few pictures. My hopes are to start out with the hospital pictures. But for now, here are a few more recent pictures :o)

It's Been Way Too Long!!

Hi there, I know, I know...I haven't posted since I've been pregnant. Well, here I's time! Our little guy is 6 months old. So I will do my best in the next few days to update all of you with pictures. Joey was born on August 17th, 2007 at 12:39 am. He was 7lbs. 13oz and 21 1/2 inches long. He is our miracle baby. When he was born, his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck 5 times. The doctors said they had never seen a baby live through that. He not only lived, but had no damage. The Lord is awesome! I went in on August 16th and was induced. It was our choice as to whether I would be induced or just wait it out. I was due somewhere between the 15th and 20th. My doctor was headed out of town and gave me the option of being induced on the 16th, waiting until the following week and being induced by another doctor, or waiting to see if he would come naturally. We prayed about it and had the feeling that we should be induced on the 16th. That is part of the miracle...if we had waited until the following week or waited for him to come naturally, he may not have made it because his cord could have strangled him as he continued to grow. I just love to look back and see the Lord's hand in all of this. Both my parents and Jay's parents were at the hospital. They waited in the waiting room and came in to meet Joey after he was born. In the room with me was Jay and a close friend of mine, Joanie..."Aunt Joanie" now. They both helped me out alot! So, enough talk and I will start posting a few pictures. Be patient though I have lots, so it will take me a bit!